Saturday 7 September 2024

"Half-Round" shaped burs for Cabochon stone setting - 6 photos

 The only (easy) method in creating a seat for Cabochon stones is to use a 'half-round' bur. These burs cannot be found in any tool supplier, trust me on this fact.
 You should learn how to create these tools with minimal effort. 
 The first thing to do is to put your bur (of your choosing) against the rotating bench grinder wheel as shown below.
 Gently rotate the bur against the wheel and keep the wheel cool to your touch. If the bur turns 'brown', it's then useless. KEEP THE BUR COOL in a jar of water!!!
 It's safe to put this new bur inside a clamping device. Don't hold it in your fingers!!!

  You can shape any size of burs to your needs, I have an inventory of dozens of 'modified 1/2 burs'. Each bur is specifically shaped to the size of that particular Cabochon stone.  

  Here is an example of a "1/2 round bur" being used in a "Tube-Setting". How far into the tube should you start your drilling? 
The depth that is required is to the shape of the Cabochon stone. The metal should envelop the curved 'Dome' of the stone. 
  At all times keep the rotating bur in an upright (vertical) position, if not, the stone won't be sitting correctly when completed.

  Don't be too concerned about the number of "1/2 round burs" that you are using. Every stone could need different sizes during the preparation of the stone setting. 
 The depth of the bur cutting must take into consideration that the curve of the stone matches the curve of the bur. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. 

 If by any chance you see that the 'teeth' of the bur are not cutting to your satisfaction, what next? The easy answer is to 'recut the bur-teeth' against the rotating bench grinder wheel again.
 That's all there is to do in 'sharpening' the bur-teeth.

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