Wednesday 4 September 2024

"Pumice Wheel cleaning", why use them? - 11 photos

   If you are avoiding using them, this is a great mistake.
I use them at every moment during the 'clean-up'. Instead of using a mini-file, these are the best methods for cleaning inside the ring and in between the claws.
 I prefer the sharp knife-edged #180 grit pumice wheel at every step in the cleaning.

  In this photo are the two Pumice Wheel shapes you can buy, the Flat edge and the Tapered edge as mentioned earlier.

 These Pink wheels are #1,000 grit, why? These wheels are soft and will polish the metal as it cleans. Thus avoiding using the cloth polishing wheels that will round the edges of the ring.

 If the Flat Edge gets worn from constant use, I quickly run the Pumice Wheel against any Separating Disk and it becomes sharp again.

 Many times the inside of any ring needs to be cleaned again. I just use a worn pumice wheel of #180 grit and it cleans the metal from any casting defects.

After the 'Flush Setting', it is imperative to polish the metal carefully by using the #1,000 grit Pumice Wheel. The results are just outstanding!

With the Tapered Pumice wheel of #180 grit, I use the pumice wheel to clean in between the many claws. Thus avoiding the use of a metal file that can leave a serrated finish.

 The side of any pumice wheel will give the claw setting a clean finish, no metal filing is required.

 Using a Flat Pumice wheel on the tip of each claw will give much smoothness to the sides of the claws.
 In finishing the Bezel Setting, please don't use any file, I ALWAYS 100% USE MY PUMICE WHEELS. I'm guaranteed 'near perfection' in the results. 

   When the opportunity arises that a cluster ring needs a clean finish, avoid any filing. Please use the Tapered edge Pumice wheel with a #180 grit wheel. The sharp pointed edge gets into the little areas that any file can't reach. 


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