Monday 3 June 2024

Which hand-piece is suitable for Stone Setting? -11 photos.

 This essay might be repetitious from my previous (May 6th) topic, this essay is only for 'gemstone setting'. 
I will never promote one tool supplier over the next, I'll only give you MY REASONS why each are more worth your while in buying.

 When I'm holding a smooth handpiece, I don't want the 'button' to interfere with my hand. Why? This button will grip my skin and cause me much pain when it suddenly clicks closed.
 I can see that there is no 'flex shaft' on any of these four handles. It will give you little or no motion during the setting processes.

 This handle is great for any extra movement, always use a handle with the 'flex' attachment. I still use this handle as a 'back-up'.
 When, and if you don't have the 'flex' attachment, the 'micro-motor' is the really the 'best' route to take. I use my 'micro-motor' continually in gemstone setting. It's my 'best route' to take, as it gives me 100% total freedom of movement.
 This the full length of micro-motor handle and power cord. As you can see that your fingers are just at the edge of the rotating bur. My rating is at 10 out of 10. My own power unit is the same as seen here.

 This photo displays the "Reciprocating Hammer" as there is no need for any 'flex attachment' during the setting process.
 I'd give this powerful handpiece a definite "10 of 10".
 This lightweight, battery operated mechanism is good when short bursts of usage is required. I'd frown on long durations as there could be overheating and battery draining just when you need it the most.



 This is the epitome of luxury while you are working at your bench. It has a built-in Rheostat in the bench-top motor driven apparatus, as well as having a foot-activated speed control. I'd give this a rating of 10 out of 10, if not higher!

This handle is not suitable for gemstone setting, why? You need a key open up the swivel jaws to tighten the bur. Plus there is no 'flex' attachment to be seen and freedom is definitely very limited.
 This 'bur-locking device' on the handle could snap on to your fingers and cause much skin damage plus could be very dangerous. 
 Not to mention there is no 'flex' attachment, there is also very limited hand motion leading from the motor cable to the rotating bur. BAD CHOICE!
I wouldn't suggest this handle for gemstone setting!!!
 The handle has a definite weight problem, it's very cumbersome for long periods of gemstone setting. 

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