Thursday 9 February 2023

Where were YOU in 1961?

 Where were you in 1961? 

 I knew exactly where I was, I was learning to use my Onglette gravers even in those formative years. I was gaining experience in cutting designs on very 'difficult & extremely hard Brass' as this was the starting of "my 9 years of apprenticeship". Computer Designing wasn't even a glimmer in anyone's eyes, but 'we' had to learn every step in Onglette cutting.

 To make things more difficult, I had no idea that I had a "Learning Disability", namely being Dyslexic. That's why those '9 years' took so long and tedious for me. (Enough with my history).

 Here is the proof of the "Brass Cutting". My teacher said to me "If you can't do it right the first time, DO IT AGAIN & AGAIN" and I did many times until I got it done. He reported my progress every week to my Father, (z"l).


This first brass plate was solely on 'controlling the graver' 100% of the time.

 This second plate was the start of some very intricate graver cutting. Remember that all of this cutting was years before "Computer Aided Designing" aka CAD.

 I had to learn & ensure that the holes were not drilled through the metal, and I had to make darn sure that the graver didn't slip and ruin any new pattern. 

 Every line had to be 'just a perfect cutting' with no slipping of my hand and the graver. I had to ensure that the Milgrain wheel was applied in such a way that it gave it a 'nice finished look'.
 There were even many months of learning how to use a "Bench-Grinder" and holding the graver to the Oilstone. When I finished my own graver, my teacher always gave me his set of gravers to grind for him, without burning the steel.

  I had a difficult time with this strange pattern, there was no 'rhyme or reason' in what I was doing. But graver control was done according to my teacher's requests. I did succeed through the 9 years of 'fun'. 

  Now after 60+ years, you are now seeing what was then literally impossible, is now second nature to this "Diamond Setter & Author".

BTW, this is my 224th tutorial essay. Hoping you appreciate my earlier years of training.

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