Thursday 30 May 2024

Which weight scale would you use and why? - 9 photos

 I have three (diamond & metal) scales, each one have their own purpose for my gemstone setting profession.

 My Diamond scale is just what it is, it's a scale just for weighing diamonds. Accuracy is at 3 decimal places. My other 2 scales just won't be that accurate, that's why I needed three scales for 3 different applications.

 This "Diamond Accuracy" is rated at 100% as my diamond dealer once weighed my diamonds on his scale and 'we' both shared the same stone weights. Interesting results.

 1) You can see what these 5 stones weigh in ounces. Is it useful? Depending on your needs. As this is highly portable, I can easily just put this into my shirt pocket.

 This 'diamond scale' had metal (gram) weights built in. Some pieces of jewellery need a more delicate weighing system, this is due their small size. 
  These 5 (synthetic) stones weigh 2.10 carats, two decimal places is more than sufficient.

 For lighter pieces of jewellery, this same diamond scale is 'better than great'! For detailed accuracy, it shows me weights into 3 decimal places.
 On larger scales, these delicate weights might not be useful and the scale-weights could be fluctuating wildly. This actually happened during this photo-session, yuk!


 2) The scale for metal is also for gold & silver with an accuracy to 0.01 grams. The one I'm showing is battery-activated and is quite portable between my work-bench and office. In fact, I keep this scale INSIDE OF MY BENCH.

  This silver (gold-plated) casino disk has a weight of 61.1 grams. I can easily reverse the cover into a container for jewellery, this feature is good to have.

 3) Lastly, my first scale that I ever bought was never good for gemstones. This weight-scale is primarily for metal, and only for metal. This metal-weighing scale has a distinct feature of being accurate to ONLY  2 decimal places.

 For metal, this is great for many purposes. BTW, this weight is 2.59 ounces.

   This same disk comes in at 73.6 grams. One decimal place for grams is not totally accurate, insurance appraisals need a more accurate reading.

 For some countries who use "DWT", or penny-weights, this measuring system has a nice feature. BUT, this scale is not good for gemstones, as I know from first-hand experience.

If I overlooked some features for these three scales, my apologies!

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